Do you have a career position that requires you to be meeting and engaging with clients or patients? Do you find that you are always covering your mouth when you speak or are just uncomfortable and embarrassed to face people because of missing teeth? Periodontal disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss. New research does suggest that avoiding tooth loss may be partly within your control.
Only a professional cleaning by a dentist can remove the plaque and tartar build in our mouths. On top of that are mouths are full of bacteria and mucus that are constantly forming a sticky plaque. What prevents this build-up? Well of course brushing and flossing and regular check-ups at the dentist for cleanings.
If you don't remove the tartar and plaque, the bacteria will cause inflammation in the gums and then you can get Gingivitis. Although this form of gum disease does not include any loss of bone or tissue, if not taken care of and treated, it will turn into periodontitis. The gum pulls away from the teeth, creates a pocket and then that area becomes infected. If this goes untreated, the gums, bones and tissue are destroyed. Usually the teeth have to be removed.
Dental experts list nine risk factors for tooth loss due to periodontal disease. From the Journal Of Periodontology.
Here's the list:
- Being older than 35
- Being male
- Never getting professional dental care
- Never using a toothbrush
- Smoking (current or past)
- Having diabetes
- Having high blood pressure
- Having rheumatoid arthritis
It is important to keep your mouth hygiene clean, brush and floss daily. Visit your dentist every 6-months to make sure that you are keeping your oral hygiene in check.
For any of your dental implant needs, please contact our offices to make your appointment.
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